This page includes links to online resources for design methods, data sources related to San Diego civic issues, and popular books about design, entrepreneurship, and urban design.
Links to online design resources
Design for San Diego (D4SD) Process Guide and Stakeholder Relationship Advice
Stanford d.School Resources for supporting Human-Centered Design
Handbook on Participatory Action Research, Planning, and Evaluation
Participatory Design Research Techniques
Asset Mapping in an Asset-Based Community Development framework
Atlanta Community Engagement Playbook
Agile Science: Create Phase Worksheets
Tactical Urbanism Guide; example projects
Five Lessons in Tactical Urbanism
The Open Book of Social Innovation
ToolboxToolbox - a curated list of design and organizational toolkits
Pactful social innovation for teens
Data sets
San Diego City and County Data
California State Data
National and Global Data Sources
There is no official text book for the course. If you like to buy and read books, we recommend the following about smart and sustainable cities:
- Inventing Future Cities by Michael Batty (2018)
- The Smart Enough City by Ben Green (2018)
- Unlocking Sustainable Cities by Paul Chatterton (2018)
- The Sustainable City by Steven Cohen (2017)
- Can a City be Sustainable? by The Worldwatch Institute (2016)
- Happy City by Charles Montgomery (2013)
Check out these books about design process and creativity:
- Universal Methods of Design by Hanington and Martin (2012)
- Sketching User Experiences by Buxton (2007)
- Universal Principles of Design by Lidwell, Holden, and Butler (2003)
- The Design of Everyday Things by Norman (1988)
Good books on entrepreneurship:
- The Hard Thing about Hard Things by Ben Horowitz (2014)
- Creating Breakthrough Products by Cagan and Vogel (2012)
- Startup Owners' Manual by Blank and Dorf (2012)
- The Lean Startup by Ries (2011)
- Business Model Generation by Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010)
- Founders at Work by Livingston (2009)
- Good to Great by Jim Collins (2001)